On April 26th, 2018 the industry park invited to the roofing ceremony of the two new production halls. Numerous visitors accepted the invitation. Besides the company Hansgrohe SE, the future user of the halls, who has already arrived with a large delegation from Schiltach; some prominent local companies, along with the municipality Willstätt and its numerous representatives, took the opportunity to attend to the ceremony.
“The new construction of the halls and the settlement of a manufacturing company, such as Hansgrohe, is an exciting story for the industry park Willstätt”, pointed out by Alexander Reichert Head of Energies and Infrastructure. “Thus the site will continue to grow.” With the moving in of Hansgrohe in September a total of 30 companies employing almost 900 employees are going to find a new home here.”
Some facts to this are quite remarkable: A total of more than 8,000 sqm flexibly usable new hall spaces can be created and more than 5,000 tons of concrete had been installed in less than four months.
The mayor of the municipal of Willstätt Marco Steffens took the opportunity to express with his speech his satisfaction, that a world market leader has found his way to Willstätt. He pointed out the common history of Schiltach, the headquarters of the company Hansgrohe, and the municipal Willstätt, which was known earlier as the raftsmen of Schiltach, have been bringing their logs to Willstätt.
Objectives of the B.I.W. GmbH – the Betreibergesellschaft des Industriepark Willstätt - is in particular to offer a platform for manufacturing companies, on which they can focus on their core business. These are considered in general as research, development and production. The site operator deals with the business all around. This includes the operation of the real estate, services, such as the security and disorder service as well as the delivery of most different media. Hansgrohe has been convinced by these versatile possibilities, and when would you come and join us?